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“Best user experience I've had since I started to administer TSM.”
“Truly task oriented.”
“Colorful, widescreen, real HD.”
“Multi platform.”
“May the tsmadm.pl be with you.”

Personal thanks from the Team for trying tsmadm.pl. Now, if you liked/disliked it, will you tell us about it?


v2Hello tsmadm.pl users!

Can you believe this, it's been for almost a year since we last "met" here?

Meanwhile we were at TSM Symposium 2011 in Dresden, worked a lot with our clients, many things happened in our private life as well so it's really no surprise you haven't heard from us lately.

I’m a bit disappointed because nobody sent any money via PayPal. It’s really not for the money but it meant for me nobody considered seriously to use tsmadm.pl
I’d have liked to measure somehow how many people use this tool and I had no other idea how to do this. So please think it over again! ;-)
Just to inform you, this domain tsmadm.pl costs me about 24.000,- HUF(about 80. EUR)/year. So if you can help me to keep this site online, please do something!

Another thing to mention is the Forum. Nobody has used it except trolls so I’m closing it right now. I’m thinking to create a simple forum topic at adsm.org for us in the future.

I don’t want to mourn for these things so let’s jump to what has changed, what's new and what are our future plans!

# Done #

Several minor fixes were done (password 'encryption', global color highlighter, grep, regexp, bla, bla ...) but the most important change for those who didn’t followed the development via SVN repository is the tsmadm.conf file simplification. We dropped the two-section idea (Windows&Unix) and use only one section as per the start-up of Wizard. If you plan to migrate from v1 to v2 consider this and migrate your tsmadm.conf file first or simply delete the old one and follow the Wizard.

# Added/recreated commands #

show backupp (remastered version, I finally used the summary table instead of collecting the necessary info from the activity log) It is faster.

show status

show drives

show timing

edit script command

# In progress #

edit cloptsets

and of course documentation at:

# Future, maybe we’ll call it v3 ;-) #

Summarization and pruning solution for archived historical data.

And last (but not least), I’d like to thank YOU for sending any emails, comments or issues to me. Keep on doing so guys!

Thanks for reading, _flex. Founder of tsmadm.pl ;-)

For those who wish to contribute to tsmadm.pl: the project is on Google code and we’re waiting for your help so just send your application to tsmadm@fleischmann.hu. Let's make it the best free command line administration tool for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager that can possibly exist!!!

This is the original version called mtsm.pl. It has almost the same functionality without coloring, archive/history and more...
tsmadm.pl #1
tsmadm.pl: general view with "show processes" and "show sessions". You can notice the nice headers, and the text/volume highlighter features.
tsmadm.pl #2
tsmadm.pl: other views. Commands: "show environment", "show scrateches" and "show scratches -acrhive" which also demonstrates the archive/historical function.
tsmadm.pl #3
tsmadm.pl: "show timing" command shows this nice one day timing diagram.

tsmadm.pl #4
tsmadm.pl: "show backups" command helps to check the performance of backup storgape pools. More to in v2...
tsmadm.pl #5
tsmadm.pl: "show sesions" and the "kill" commands and a very visible(RED) error message.
tsmadm.pl #6
tsmadm:pl: Shows how easy to use the "reach" command. After that putty starting and you can reach the client machine just from the place of your TSM administration...
tsmadm.pl movie #1
This is a short RAW movie about the features implemented in the v1 beta version.


With tsmadm.pl you can do your daily TSM chores in a truly task oriented way.


The idea itself and the previous version of this program was prepared when I started to work with TSM seven years ago.

At that time the program was called mtsm.pl and you can still find a copy at adsm.org.

We strated to write this enhanced version at the end of 2010 when Marcell joined the team. Based on day-to-day experience with TSM we had some new ideas we wanted to incorporate into the code.

While we were writing the program my old pal Zoltán joined us for a short period of time to help us with some minor cosmetic changes.

Finaly v1.0beta was ready by the end of May, 2011.


If you enjoy this program and would like to support us, please take a moment to donate!
By this you can also notify us that you are seriously interested in this project.


• FLEISCHMANN György (_flex)

• SZABÓ Marcell (Marcell)

• SOÓS Zoltán (Perec)


• full sized terminal window support
• intelligent printing (word wrap, colorize, indent, ...)
• built in data history handling (with "-archive" option)
• overall perl scriptable with your own plugins, because it is written in perl
• command aliases
• multiserver support
• faster node access with the reach command and node URL field
• command for performace analysis
• wizard based installation

• v1 command list (20110630):
 + show version
 + show lasterror
 + show environment
 + show ruler
 + reload
 + alias
 + set server
 + console
 + debug
 + fooooo
 + show sessions
 + show processes
 + show scratches
 + kill
 + reach
 + show disks
 + show stgpools
 + show drives
 + show paths
 + online
 + offline
 + start dsmadmc
 + show events
 + show libvolume
 + show schedules
 + show expiration
 + show fillings
 + show backup
 + show timing
 + start dsmadmc
 + start console


• command-line completion
• overall command helps
• more flexible config file handling
• push/pop feature
• PDF output for reports
• TSM admin script editor
• TSM optionset editor
• faq/wiki implemantation
• TSM licenece calculator
• archive summarization function
• and more...

• planned v2 command list:
 + print text
 + show adminschedules
 + show serverstatus
 + show full bdbackups
 + show incremental dbbackups
 + show moveablevolumes
 + show fillingvolumes
 + show occupancy
 + moveit
 + show nodes
 + show suspiciousvolumes
 + show inactivenodes
 + show STGSCRatch
 + show licence
 + show migration
 + show moveprocess
 + show stgphist
 + show exceptionsonly
 + show associations
 + delete association

Technical Specifications

System Requirements

• Apple Mac OS X
• Linux
• Microsoft Windows
• Sun/Oracle Solaris


Perl >5.8
Tivoli Storage Manager Client 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 6.1, 6.2
• 32 bit and 64 bit supported

multiBox 2.0.6
MooTools 1.2